Diaconate Ministry
The Diaconate Ministry of BBC in accordance with Acts Chapter 6 serves specifically and intentionally to assist the Pastor in caring for the disciples of Bethesda.
The Diaconate Ministry walking in God's love purposes to do this through Sheepfold ministry. Diaconate through this Sheepfold ministry maintain contact with the sheep (disciples), praying with them, encouraging attendance in worship and teaching opportunities, encouraging disciples to serve in ministries according to their gifts and talents and assist in directing to appropriate ministries in times of life challenges.
Disciples of Bethesda are assigned to one of three sheepfolds: Abraham, Isaac or Jacob, based upon the first letter of the disciples' last name.

Diaconate Linda is the current Chair of the Diaconate Ministry.
Dia. Linda assists in tending to the care of the
Jacob Sheepfold
Disciples whose last name begins with the letters O - Z are in the Jacob Sheepfold.

Diaconate Carolyn assists in tending to the care of the
Isaac Sheepfold
Disciples whose last name begins with the letters H - N are in the Isaac Sheepfold.

Diaconate Herb assists in tending to the care of the
Isaac Sheepfold
Disciples whose last name begins with the letters H - N are in the Isaac Sheepfold.

Diaconate Craig assists in tending to the care of the
Isaac Sheepfold
Disciples whose last name begins with the letters H - N are in the Isaac Sheepfold.

Diaconate Marshell assists in tending to the care of the
Jacob Sheepfold
Disciples whose last name begins with the letters O - Z are in the Isaac Sheepfold.

Diaconate Amon assists in tending to the care of the
Abraham Sheepfold
Disciples whose last name begins with the letters A - G are in the Isaac Sheepfold.

Diaconate Ed assists in tending to the care of the
Abraham Sheepfold
Disciples whose last name begins with the letters A - G are in the Isaac Sheepfold.

New Members - and Right Hand of Fellowship 9/24/23
20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 (NLT)