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We are so
Godly proud of you!!!

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to our Lakeesah, we are so very proud of you!!!

Shout-Out to Our
Mr. & Mrs. Polhemus

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Joclyn - 11/11/24
Salute to Veteran, U. S. Air Force

(Select image to read article)


Michael - 12/13/24
Masters in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

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Martha Jane Vernon Williams Harrell

We are so excited to share with you Martha's 1st book.

​My Place in Time

In this book Martha shares a sincere account of her upbringing and her desire to share her family history with her children and grandchildren. In doing so, she tells how she arrived at her peaceful and content place. Her journey revolves around the loss of a great love and the discovery of an even greater love. How a faith-filled heart will guide you, and how God fulfills your prayers. The book is a testament to her incredible journey and everything God blessed her with. God opened the door and welcomed her true love into her life.​

Sis. Martha we are so proud of you!!!

Congratulations Elder Ham 
as You Retire following
29 Years of Loyal Service

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A BIG Shout-Out to our Aunt Mary

We celebrate you ma'am and thank God for your rich legacy, rooted in Him.

Shout-Out to our 'Tyreek'!!!

Tyreek has completed his 1st book, published and is available for purchase on

We thank God for this young man and the gifts God has placed in him.

Tyreek, we are so proud of you and we patiently await volume 2.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares The Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

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Shout out to our 'Mo Mo'!!!

Monique Jones, 5'11", G/SF, Chowan University (NCAA D2) has agreed to terms and will take her talents to Spain and play Professionally with Cartagena BFCT (Spain 1st Nac.).

'Mo Mo', we are proud of you and continue to remember you in our prayers.
5Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.                                                  Proverbs 3:5,6 (MEV)

Congratulations Dea. Brooks

Tabernacle Divinity School

Bachelor's of Religious Studies

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A great BIG BBC Congratulations to Bro. Terry Wade!!!

On November 3, 2023, Bro. Terry was named the Quartermaster School Educator of the Year.

Bro. Terry's extraordinary level of proficiency, professionalism and dedication to the course reflects great credit upon himself, the United States Quartermaster School and the United States Army.

Congratulations to


our Christina!!!

Your church family is so proud of you and what you have accomplished!!!


May God continue to cause all you set your hands to, to prosper.

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We support Chesterfield County Public Schools

Revealing the Heart of Christ to Everybody, Everywhere, Every Time

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