Happy Young Hearted Seniors

HYHS 2022 Birthday Celebration

SCAM Alert Workshop - June 2022
The HYHS sponsored this workshop to keep seniors aware of the various scams mostly directed at seniors, but anyone could fall prey if we are not equipped and walking in wisdom.
Scripture: See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15 and 16 (NKJV)
The PowerPoint presentation slides could not be clearly displayed. We are providing a few tips from the workshop.
For scammers, seniors are the "Ideal" victims.
Telephone Awareness
- Scammers use a technic called "spoofing". ​When making scam calls they attempt to use telephone numbers with your area code. If you don't recognize the number - - - Don't answer.
- Grandparent fraud - scammers pretend to be or calling on behalf of a family member in trouble. Do NOT agree to send money or prepaid credit cards.
Call the family member in question
Reach out to the family member directly
Out and About
Be Alert - Don't become distracted
Protect your information when you are out
Don't carry your social security card in your wallet or anything with your social security number on it
Minimize the number of credit/debit cards you carry with you
Be sure to have the customer service telephone numbers for your credit cards written down
Use the "turn off" option for credit/debit cards if you think your card has been compromised.
Do not fasten your purse to your shopping cart.
Ladies, try to take only your wallet in the store with you and keep it close to your heart (in your bra).
Men, do not put your wallet in your back pocket
At Home
- NEVER give your Social Security Number or other personal information out over the phone - if the person on the phone says they are from your bank or credit card company - they already have your information.
- NEVER leave valuables in your car - if you must be sure they are out of view.
- Home alone and someone is at your door.
Never open the door if you do not know the person on the other side.
You do NOT have to answer the door.
ake noise (turn TV volume up, talk loudly, etc.) People will usually not knowingly break into an occupied home.

Our facilitator was awesome. We pray God's blessings and favor upon the next phase of his journey.

The onsite session was well attended by individuals wanting to be aware of scammers tactics. "Be informed and share what you've learned.

Participants were engaged, shared, and received valuable information.