Whole Bread Ministry
The purpose of the Whole Bread Ministry (WBM) is to promote the desire of our Lord that His people walk in wholeness; wholeness includes a healthy lifestyle. The WBM endeavors to minister wholeness through education, fellowship, dialogue, and fitness training.
The Word is the foundation of this ministry; studying the written Word and acknowledging it in all that we do. As we purpose to walk with God, developing our relationship with Him and His will for our lives as revealed in 3 John 2.
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”
The WBM seeks to minister in a holistic way spiritually, socially, economically, emotionally, and physically. We meet people where they are. We seek the Living Word first. Then, prayerfully facilitate through coordination(referral) to appropriate persons/agencies, ministries at Bethesda and through teaching and education seminars.

Temperature Checks
The Whole Bread Ministry is available every worship and ministry opportunity for temperature checks. Taking temperatures is a means not only of following CDC guidelines, but it also demonstrates our love for one another as we enter into worship.
"Let all things be done decently and in order."
1 Corinthians 14:40 (NKJV)

Exercises for a Healthier Body

Fitness Training
Our fitness training program is directed by Shirl Isley (personal trainer). Shirl reminds us to live a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating right and exercising. The program consists of cardio, strength training, endurance, flexibility, and overall conditioning.
Our desire is to eat a well-balanced diet in the physical, spiritual (Word of God), and exercising. Overall, demonstrating the ministry's' heart to assist the people of God to walk in a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise - Monday and Thursday from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.
Physical Endurances - Monday through Thursday 8:30pm to 9:30pm
Diabetes and Nutrition Seminar
Sponsored by the Whole Bread Ministry, 11/19/22

Dr. Yvette Johnson-Threat presented a very informative seminar on diabetes prevention, complications, and management.
The slides below are shared with Dr. Johnson-Threats' permission.

Attendees both onsite & virtual

Whole Bread Ministry